Monday, January 28, 2013

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/28/13

Leader: Bob
Reader: Greg

In our SFG book, we finished the chapter on "In His Presence" and will begin next week with "The Cross and the Crown."

The experiment for next week is:
Take a few moments each day to experience the reverie described above (or one similar to it). You may want to have a special time to do this or use a few minutes before or after your meditation. Allow it to awaken within you the awareness of truly being a part of the scheme of things, and try to hold that awaremess in you daily activities.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/14/13

Leader: Bob
Reader: Greg

For those who missed tonight's meeting, the library is closed for MLK Day next Monday (21 January), so we won't be meeting.

All our reading this week was in the Experiments book, and we finished that chapter. In our SFG book, we are still in the "In His Presence" chapter and are at the section "Experiencing the Abiding Presence."

The experiment for the next two weeks is:
Whenever you find yourself talking about another person, speak as if God and the soul of that person were present in that place at that moment.

Monday, January 7, 2013

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/7/13

Leader: Bob
Reader: Marsha and Greg

We started off the new year by listening to ARE recordings of "The Open Door" and "In His Presence." Then we started with the "In His Presence" chapter in the SFG book and read up to the section "Experiencing the Abiding Presence."

The experiment for the week is:
Each day make an effort to listen and feel God's presence (within and without) in the ordinary and the commonplace of life. Keep a record of your experiences of recognizing it in these situations.