Monday, October 14, 2024

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/14/24

Leader: Eric
Five sons and daughters of God continued with the reading of Before the Beginning by Eula Allen. We read up to the top of page 61. Our experiment is partially taken from a passage on page 58:
Man did not descend from the monkey, but man has evolved, resuscitation, you see, from time to time…here a little, there a little, line upon line, and line and line upon line. Mull over how you have evolved in this incarnation. As an example, have the Cayce teachings helped you to evolve?

Monday, October 7, 2024

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/7/24

Leader: John (for Eric)
Four enlightened (by the Giver of light) study group members continued with our reading of Before the Beginning. We started “The Seventh Day” on page 39 and read to the top of page 46. Our experiment comes from reading 5749-4 on page 41.
Seek, then, each in your own way and manner, to magnify that you, as souls, as beings, would make manifest of His love, in the way He will show thee day by day.

Monday, September 30, 2024

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/30/24

Leader: Greg (for Sylvia)
Four study group members (with one in the hospital) were back to continue with our reading of Before the Beginning. We read up to “The Seventh Day” on page 39. Much discussion was about when Jesus realized he was to be the savior of the world in Eden and his time as Amilius and becoming Adam. More discussion was about the Trinity and it being one.
The question was asked, "How do we help God co-create?" This week, each individual should envision an answer according to their ideas. For example, one might think of how we might all live peacefully.

Monday, September 16, 2024

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/16/24

Leader: Sylvia

All five were back on track with our reading and made progress in Before the Beginning. We read from page 33 to page 38, up to Reading 3645-1. Our experiment comes from the reading above it on the same page (Reading 3432-1).
Experiment: …read first the first five to six verses [at the beginning] of the first chapter of Genesis, and in the third verse understand what it means—that the knowledge is within thine own self, the light necessary for you . . . to be one of the best men God ever created . . .
They are not foolishness, my friend! It’s the law of the Lord! And you must one day face it!

Monday, September 9, 2024

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/9/24

Leader: Sylvia
All five were back and ready to participate after being off for a week, but had a lot to report on their experiments. Unfortunately, we did not get to read from Before the Beginning. We remain on page 33 at the fourth day of creation.
Sing a lot about the work – in everything the body does. Hum, sing – to yourself; not to be heard by others but to be heard by yourself. (ECRL 3386-1)

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Sin and Illness

(Q) What sin brought on physical condition?
(A) It isn't a question of what sin, but a question of correcting the body-mind, purposes and desires, letting sin be eliminated from the ideals and purposes of the body.
(Q) Is the ill health which I have been experiencing the past years the result of mistakes of a past life or is it due to something amiss in this present life?
(A) Both.
For there is the law of the material, there is the law of the mental, there is the law of the spiritual.
That brought into materiality is first conceived in spirit.
Hence as we have indicated, all illness is sin; not necessarily of the moment, as man counts time, but as a part of the whole experience.
For God has not purposed or willed that any soul should perish, but purgeth everyone by illness, by prosperity, by hardships, by those things needed, in order to meet self - but in Him, by faith and works, are ye made every whit whole.
...all illness comes from sin.
This everyone must take whether they like it or not; it comes from sin whether it be of body, of mind, or of soul, and these manifest in the earth.
For, who healeth all thy diseases?
Uncle John, or God the Father?
This must be determined in self.
For, God is spirit and seeketh such to worship Him in spirit and in truth.
True, there are pathological conditions that are disturbed with this body.
But do the first thing first.
There should be a decision within self, first, as to what you believe.
And know it must begin with the spiritual purposes of life.
Who is the author of life?
Who is the Saviour of life?
Who gave His life that ye might have life more abundant?
What is light and life in the earth?
If you cannot answer these within yourself, you are far, far from knowing the way home.
For what is bad?
Good gone wrong, or something else?
It is good misapplied, misconstrued, or used in a selfish manner - for the satisfying of a desire within self.
And so is sin, so is illness; a lack of at-onement with a coordinant, cooperative force of a living influence that may - through this entity - become such a marvellous force for good, for a channel of manifestation of good among its fellow man.
The Lord is willing.
Art thou, then, willing to accept and be guided, and be directed, by that influence in thy experience?
(Q) Will I ever get well?
(A) Will tomorrow ever come?
This depends upon purposes, aims, desires, hopes and fears?
Does the body desire to get well?
Is God in His heaven?
Are the lives and activities of those ye touch helped through thy spreading of His word?
Do you need to get well?
These are all answered in self.
He withholds no good thing from those who serve Him.
Let all remember that, believe it, know it!
For it is the truth!
Each illness, each disturbance is Sin at thy door!
For, all illness is sin manifested, as the entity has interpreted and may interpret in its experiences with others.
For...all illness is sin.
What has ever been the builder, body, mind and spirit?
...the expressions are in the physical, the motivative force is the spirit, the mind is the builder.
What was builded?
Those bodies had dwelt as individuals do (as may be illustrated in habit) with the interconsciousness of the necessity of the expression of something within self which brought dis-ease, the natural result of what? An at-variance to the divine law!
Hence it may truly be said that to be at-variance may bring sickness, dis-ease, disruption, distress in a physical body.

Monday, August 26, 2024

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/26/24

Leader: Cindi
The gang of five was back to delve further into the book, Before the Beginning. We began Chapter 3 and made it to the fourth day of creation on page 33. We are borrowing an experiment from the Spirit chapter of A Search for God.
Experiment: Be alert for signs of the spirit of our changing times. Try to act and think in such a way that you cooperate with and help to build a new world. Be especially aware of how to talk to others about the challenges and difficulties of the times. Let your words bespeak the consciousness of hope.
No meeting on Monday, 3 September. Sylvia will lead in September in place of Eric.